Sunday, October 5, 2008

Outlaws, In-laws...In between laws? Working it out!

Mr. D and I have been going through some difficult times here the point we have started counseling before anything gets out of hand. We have had one session and already ALOT has come to light. Lack of communication...unrealized and unfair expectations. For all y'all out there this is a piece of Knowledge that is more precious than any gem out there...Marriage has 3, count them...3 membership cards: Husband, Wife and GOD. Anyone notice I didn't include parents or kids or in-laws or siblings or get the point right? When you allow other people that DO NOT have a membership card into your marriage you get problems. Now I'm not talking about infidelity here...that's a no's destructive and STUPID!!!! I'm talking about venting to others if there is a disagreement b/w you and you husband/wife. Especially to parents/family members. They are biased...of course they are going to take your side! A marriage, however is not about taking sides, but about lifting each other up...supporting each other and defending each other. Yeah... your spouse may have acted like an egghead...however the last thing you should do is broadcast it. The more people that enters into it the more tangled the the 2 of you sit down and pray and work it out with God on your side. If you think that is out a good counselor...preferable Christian, that will pray with you through your turbulent times. Let me go on a tangent for a moment to say this...I've been to 3 different Christian counselors in my life and the most recent is the ONLY one that has EVER prayed with us (me) at the end! SHAME on the rest of you! How utterly disappointing! They forgot about the 3rd member of the marriage...the most important of ALL! Actually the 2 previous times I was on my own for my own reasons...but still...healing COMES from GOD...PRAY! Enough of that vent. I've been totally on a soapbox here and I'm sorry...I'm attacking a reader when really I'm just putting my thoughts on paper and it is mostly directed to me. I have (TODAY) apologized to my husband for venting to others about him. By doing that others were receiving a one sided view of him which was well.. wrong... incomplete. I'm sure if they had talked with my husband & not me that they would have received a completely different impression of the various incidents. I have been blessed with a husband who looks to our whole family's best interest. While I tend to impulsively break our husband sacrifices. While I isolate myself at times of depression or frustration, my husband steps up and takes care of the 4 kids and RARELY complains. He has NEVER put me down. Actually, most of the time when I feel like I'm being treated like a child it is because I'm already acting like one...yeah..real attractive...a 31 year old child. So, honey..I'm sorry for how I have been and I don't care if the whole world eventually finds out what a butt I can be..(since I'm sure nobody reads this besides Happy Mommy...she is the only one that comments). I promise to put you before ANYONE priorities got mixed up and I didn't even realize it. I love you babe. Now I just need to pray to God for forgiveness for how awful I have been...I guess I should have done that first. Heavenly Abba..I'm sorry for how I've acted recently. I'm sorry for my mixed up priorities. Thank you for placing in my life people and Scripture that helped me realize this. I want to live to glorify You..I want to be a wife, mother and daughter after your heart. Please teach me how to live in this way. Thank you for loving me so much and sticking right beside me while I was to busy complaining and turning my back on you by putting my wants before others needs. I pray this in your precious Jesus' name. Amen.